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Kübler Anzeigeeinheit

Marke: Kübler

Hersteller Artikel-Nr.: 6.573T.012.302

Technische Daten

1 g


The process controller with 2 analog inputs can be used in both single channel mode as well as in dual channel. In dual channel mode, all arithmetic operations are available for displaying the sum total, difference, ratio or the product. Inputs and outputs can be scaled separately. Can be used as a simple process signal converter, process controller (ON/OFF controller) or for complex measuring tasks,where the relationship between two values, one to the other, must be monitored, calculated or further processed in a higher-level controller.4 separate freely scalable analog inputs ±10 V and 0/4 .. 20 mA, resolution 16 bit Tare function – the unit can be set to 0 for any input voltage Programmable linearization: with up to 24 control points, input via key-pad or via the teach-in function AveU.

457,51 €

544,44 € inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Zustand: Neu

